Superior Supermarket Lighting Solutions

For more information about Promolux’s line of food safe LEDs or fluorescents, or to request a quote, click on the links to the right.  We are happy to help you with your supermarket’s lighting needs.

If you are a supermarket owner or manager, then you know just how important it is to exhibit your fresh food products in attractive and energy efficient display cases.  In addition to proper display case lighting, pleasant accent lighting is crucial to the successful commercial presentation of various foods and specialty products. To this end, you must ensure that your refrigerated display cases exhibit fresh food products in such a way that the true, natural colors are not washed out or distorted by excessive brightness or yellowish hues.

Furthermore, ultraviolet light and visible spectrum radiation will tend to damage packaged and processed foods. This harmful UV radiation causes the colors of your products to fade and accelerate the decomposition process. To minimize these effects, many supermarket owners are switching to food safe LEDs and fluorescents such as those produced by Promolux.

Promolux lamps emit a more balanced range of wavelengths and minimal levels of ultraviolet radiation. When your supermarket’s packaged and processed foods are displayed under the true color definition lamps made by Promolux, they will have a much longer shelf life.