Ideas for Sensational Supermarket Window Displays

For more information on Promolux LED lighting for supermarket window displays or to request a quote, click on the links to the right.

Integrating powerful window display ideas with Promolux LED supermarket showcase lighting increases sales in your supermarket. Your window displays play an important role of calling customers to enter into the supermarket to see more. These customers end up making significant purchases and some refer other customers to you. This is the reason why window displays should be taken seriously in a supermarket business as a major marketing tool. Since you cannot display all the items on stock in the supermarket, displaying the best selling products is strongly recommended. Window display strategies are varied for both consumable and non-consumable products. Use the ideas below to create breathtaking window displays that will grab the attention of potential customers walking on the street.

Embrace themed displays

You should embrace themed window displays in your supermarket. Themed displays capture a particular festive season or short but important holiday. Work with the characteristics of the holiday to come up with a theme for your displays and then introduce the products you are selling in the supermarket. For example, during Christmas season, get a Santa Claus statue and dress it appropriately to provide a Santa theme on the window display. Once the theme is complete, place the best selling product brands that you wish to display in an attractive way to woo the customers. You can also display cookies and cakes placed together with wine for special celebrations such as Easter and Valentine’s Day. Engrave a message in tune with the celebration on the cake to attract more attention. Use Promolux specialty LED display case lighting to reduce energy consumption as the displays should be well lit throughout the night.

Rotational single focus

Dealing with multiple products in the supermarket can pose a marketing challenge. This is because the space available in the window area may not be enough for all the displays. In addition, displaying many items may result to overcrowding that does not appeal to potential customers. However, a rotational single focus window display strategy does the trick. In this case, display products from a single category or brands for a period of time then change to another. For example, you can decide to display products from the grocery section for two weeks, then clothes for another two weeks and then cosmetics. Promolux LED lighting for retail merchandising makes the window displays visible for several meters away from the building. Creativity is required to make the displays appealing. Also, the display style should be unique for every product category to surprise regular customers each time you focus on a different product.

Seasonal window display

Seasonal window displays for supermarkets mainly target winter, summer and spring seasons that come with major changes. In addition, the back to school season is included as it comes with increased demand for some products. During the winter season, the display should feature warm clothes, warm drinks and foods that bring warmth to the body. It is important to have some snowflakes in the background. For summer, ice-creams and milkshakes, toys, foods and clothes for warm weather are the best window display ideas. The idea is to take advantage of every season to display the most sought product brands in your window. Grab the attention of potential customers on the street by making the window display brighter using Promolux specialty LED display lighting.

The Effects of Poor Lighting in the Workplace

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The cost of maintaining a successful business can be very time consuming and expensive. For a building that relies heavily on electricity, the bill can be shocking. Some offices and supermarkets attempt to save money on the utility bill by making shortcuts on electricity and the commercial lighting. This can be a poor mistake for the health of your employees.

Eye strain

Having eyestrain is a very excruciating feeling. Strained eyes tend to be irritated, red, or dry. Straining of the eyes can cause stress and other eye related issues. The quality of your vision may deteriorate if you spend too much time in a commercial setting all day with poor lighting. Good lamps should be used provide you with a sufficient amount of light.

Increased level of error

Bad lighting puts a lot of strain on the eyes, which can cause headaches. When an individual is working in a room with poor lighting, their eyes have to work twice as hard. This is the reason that headaches may occur. All of this can lead to employees feeling fatigue and exhaustion. The human eye cannot always properly estimate the shape, proximity and the depth of spaces and objects around them without proper lighting. Bad lighting can cause accidents in the workplace. It is very critical to have proper lighting in workplaces, especially in areas where high concentration is paramount.

Effects on general well-being

Lighting affects the company’s general ambiance and the general well-being of the staff. Dark rooms tend to affect people’s perception of working environment and lower their work satisfaction, also making employees feel sleepy. Office spaces with lighting on the walls and desks are more enjoyable and relaxing to work in, while offices with poor lighting may seem daunting, depressing, and stressful. Employers should invest in proper lighting solutions in order to create a positive working environment.

Effects in supermarkets

If your business is a supermarket, you must be aware of the additional effects that poor lighting may cause: Some results even leading to customer loss. If your supermarket lighting is dim and poor, customers will not be drawn to shop there. Instead, opt for quality lighting. Quality lighting amongst your food display and the aisles of your store will increase sales, as opposed to a poorly lit building. Having illuminated supermarket aisles filled with fresh produce on display with highly saturated, vibrant colors is bound to draw in shoppers.

Whether it be a corporate office, retail store, or a supermarket; quality lighting is a key to a comfortable and inviting work setting. When choosing the right lighting manufacturer for your company’s illumination needs, energy efficiency should probably be a deciding factor. If you purchase lighting that is both high quality and energy efficient, you will not have to make shortcuts on lighting to save money. Instead of trying to make due with shortcuts, consider Promolux specialty LED lighting to light your company’s building. LEDs are low cost, high quality, and also energy efficient. Do yourself, your customers, and your employees a favor by investing in good lighting.

How to Increase Sales in Your Supermarket’s Gift Shop

For more information on Promolux specialty LED lighting for retail displays or to request a quote, click on the links to the right.

Creating room for a gift shop in the supermarket is a lucrative business idea to encourage household items shoppers to pick a gift for their loved ones. You can have a gift shop in your supermarket, fully stocked with toys, family clothing and jewelry among others. It is advisable to create a gift shop upstairs, with the staircase to the shop being well labeled and visible from the main entrance. If space is a challenge, have the gift shop extending along the wall of the supermarket next to the cashiers’ counter. You can enhance the sales in the gift shop by practicing the following tips.

Create different gift sections

Display is an important factor that determines the sales made from a particular product. In order to make each gift category visible, it is important to create different sections depending on the type of gifts to be stocked. For example, you can create a section for newborns with a variety of baby items and clothing, a boutique, toys section and game accessories corner. If the gift shop is occupying a whole floor, it is strongly recommended to use a Promolux LED commercial lighting system. These lights create the required mood in the gift shop while giving the items on display a splendid appearance. In addition, Promolux LEDs are flattering especially when customers are trying on clothes, shoes or jewelry and looking at them in the mirror.

Customer waiting lounge

Customers coming into the gift shop are most likely to be accompanied by a friend or a relative. Others may want to sit down as they decide the type of gift they want to pick or when trying on shoes or jewelry. Therefore, make the room the best place to be by introducing a customers’ waiting lounge. Consider placing chairs if you have enough space in each section or couches to accommodate several people at a time. Ensure that the couches have cushions to bring about the required comfort for the customers. In addition, create a cozy mood in the room by using Promolux specialty LED lighting installed on the walls above or hanging from the ceiling.

Place visible adverts for gift shop

The majority of customers will walk into the supermarket for household consumable products oblivious of the existence of the gift shop. Therefore, place visible adverts for the gift shop on the outer part of the supermarket. You can have drawings on the glass front wall of the supermarket or create a showcase section along the front wall. Ensure that the adverts are visible from a distance away from the supermarket using a Promolux specialty LED lighting system.

Glass cupboard for jewelry display

Jewelry is best displayed in a short glass cupboard. The cupboard should be set at the jewelry section preferably at a corner near the gift shop entrance. The display cupboard should have a slanting design, with shelves. Arrange the jewelry according to the type and size. For example, you can have the rings and earrings on the topmost shelves followed by the necklaces and finally the bracelets. In addition, consider using the color coding style to arrange the jewels in each category. For enhanced display appearance, use Promolux specialty LED showcase lighting to illumine and brighten the jewelry.

Top 3 Flower Display Techniques for Supermarkets

For more information on Promolux LED lighting for floral displays or to request a quote, click on the links to the right.

People like to buy flowers to add beauty while communicating a message of good will on different occasions. Therefore, the floral section in the supermarket should wow the customers when they walk in. The techniques you use to display the flowers should reveal your professionalism and knowledge about flowers. Well displayed flowers draw the attention of potential buyers while acting as a strategy to woo impulse buyers. Here are floral display techniques that will increase flower sales in your supermarket.

Themed flower display

People use flowers to communicate a specific sentimental message to their loved ones. To make this a marketing strategy for your flowers, introduce tags with varying messages that will make the flowers relevant for different occasions. For example, you can prepare tags with messages of love, friendship, and strength. Be creative in coming up with appealing words that communicate to the heart of the recipient and that will compel customers to buy the flowers. Once the message tags are ready, arrange single flowers and bouquets. When preparing the bouquets, use the color combinations that bring about the desired theme. Attach a tag with the appropriate message to each of the single flowers and bouquets. Enhance the visual appearance of the flowers and the readability of the message tags by placing them in cases that are properly lit with Promolux LED floral display case lighting.

Wall mounted flower display

In the supermarket, you may not have enough space to showcase all the flower types available. Remember that you have only one section allocated for flowers in the effort to make the supermarket a one stop shopping center. However, you can still display the mix and match bouquet by selecting single flowers and placing them in plastic vases. Mount the plastic vases with flower bouquets on the wall making them to hang outwards at a 45 degree angle. In order to make the flowers more visible, mount pendant LED display case lighting on the ceiling next to the wall. LEDs do not emit heat that can ruin the freshness of your flowers or distort their original colors. Instead, they enhance the appearance of flowers, while keeping them bright and fresh.

Front window showcase

Having a front window flower showcase is a marketing strategy used to attract customers walking on the streets. Therefore, the front window strategy should be used along with other interior flower showcase styles. The type of flowers and style of showcasing them matter a lot as you want to build confidence in customers that they can get the best flowers from your supermarket. In this case, do not just throw flowers in a vase, but rather arrange the best selling flowers in an artistic style. Also, change the style and color combinations every three weeks to create a sense of variety for the regular customers. During special seasons such as Valentine’s Day and Mother’s Day, place special offers in the front window to increase flower buying traffic in your supermarket.  Maintain the freshness and extend the shelf life of the front window display by using Promolux specialty LED display case lighting.

How to Create a Small Coffee Shop within your Supermarket

For more information on Promolux lighting for supermarkets or to request a quote, click on the links to the right.

Introducing a small coffee shop with warm décor enhanced by LED retail lighting is a business idea that can bring added income into your supermarket. Apart from generating extra income, the coffee shop is a viable marketing strategy to increase the foot customer traffic into your supermarket. This may sound funny but you can transform an area of the supermarket into a powerful mini coffee shop. Alternatively, you can utilize the backyard of the supermarket to establish a coffee shop. In order to get space, explore the options you have to enable you to provide coffee to walk in customers and takeaways. Here are some practical ideas on how create a small coffee shop.

Promote relaxation and comfort

When establishing a mini coffee shop area in your supermarket, factor in relaxation and comfort. Many customers may want to sit for a few minutes as they sip coffee while discussing important matters. Place several chairs and couches that are comfortable for customers to sit on. Provide coffee tables that can allow a sizable group of people to sit around. To attract customers, install Wi-Fi for unlimited Internet access for those taking recess from work to have a cup of coffee while chatting with loved ones. LED lighting should be mounted as they provide adequate light without emitting heat that may make the customers uncomfortable.

Display baked snacks

The coffee shop can become a marketing tool for the baked products from the supermarket bakery. Display fresh baked pastries, cookies and other snacks that customers can enjoy with coffee. A good idea is to have a rear-loaded glass display case with a refrigerated section to preserve the perishable snacks. Arrange the snacks according to types and sizes but in an attractive way that makes them irresistible to the customers. Install Promolux bakery display case lighting to enhance the appearance and freshness of the displayed snacks. Customers will come in expecting to drink a cup of coffee but upon seeing the displayed yummy snacks, they are likely to make a decision to have a snack too. When one has tasted a snack from the coffee shop, they are likely to walk into the supermarket for the same baked products while buying other household goods.

Create a barista station

Creating a barista station on the counter is a great idea to evoke a sense of freshness to the customers. Note that the customers prefer to see the coffee being prepared while smelling its aroma. In this case, have the barista with the espresso equipment on the counter. This enables the employee to make coffee as the orders come in hence giving customers freshly made hot coffee. However, you need to choose the lighting system wisely as some lights may increase the temperatures in the room making the customers uncomfortable. It is advisable to use LED lighting at the counter and in the entire room as they do not emit heat. This lowers the temperature making the place comfortable for customers and staff members.

Provide vouchers

In order to market the mini-coffee shop as part of the supermarket, provide vouchers to regular customers. The vouchers should be an effort to award customers with free coffee for their loyalty. The same should be done for regular coffee customers.

How To Make Eye Catching Supermarket Display Cases

For more information on Promolux LED lighting for supermarket display cases or to request a quote, click on the links to the right.

In order to have increased customer traffic and sales in your supermarket, it is important to have some display case management skills. When customers walk in to your store, the first thing they see is the display case. If the items in the case are placed in a disorganized manner with poor lighting, the customers are likely to go spend their money elsewhere. Also, an attractively arranged case makes it easy for self-service whereby customers can identify and pick what they need. This reduces the number of staff members required in the supermarket hence cut down on operating costs. Make the supermarket display cases eye catching through the following easy tips.

Maintain display case cleanliness

Overall cleanliness in the supermarket builds confidence in the customers making them trust the quality of the products you provide. Remember that the products on sale in your supermarket include foods which are consumed raw and others are that are sold ready to eat. Therefore, always keep the display cases in the supermarket clean. In this case, assigning several employees to regularly check on the cases and wiping them clean when needed. For example, display cases for frozen and refrigerated items are likely to have moisture that makes them appear slightly dirty. Wiping should be done regularly to clear off the wetness. Also, keep track of the fruit and vegetable display cases to ensure that they are clean. Installing Promolux specialty LED grocery store lighting in the produce and meat sections keeps the temperature low hence clear and clean looking display cases.

Keep display cases full

Keeping the display cases full attracts customers as the products in them are prominent. A full display case communicates a message of abundance to the customers, compelling them to buy more products. When customers look at a full display case, they make a decision to buy even if they did not have initial plans of buying the particular product. In addition, a fully stocked display case enhances the appearance of the items drawing the attention of the buyers. For instance, a display case full of varying types of fruits arranged with an attractive pattern brings about a sense of freshness. Fullness of the display cases is made more attractive by Promolux LED display case lighting that brings out the best color and freshness of the products.

Make orderly product arrangement

After a busy day in the supermarket with customers coming in and out of the store, it is important to make fresh displays for the following day. This can be done after the closing hours or early in the morning, depending on staff member availability. However, the best practice is to arrange the display for less perishable items the previous evening while the highly perishable ones are arranged early in the morning. Piling up of items in the display case should be avoided as it makes the case appear disorganized and it can encourage premature decay of perishable items due to warmth build up. You can guarantee increased food safety by using Promolux LED lighting in your supermarket display cases.

Improve Your Supermarket’s Floral Displays with Promolux Specialty Retail Lighting

For more information on Promolux lighting or to request a quote, click on the links to the right.

With the floral season approaching, flowers and plants are on display in every boutique and flower shop on numerous streets. What is it that makes some arrangements gleam while others appear mediocre? The display case lighting that glimmers upon your floral arrangements will boost or diminish the appearance of your displays. Learn how to improve the floral displays in your supermarket so that they practically sell themselves.

Cheap fluorescent lighting

Are you guilty of installing cheap fluorescent lighting above your beautiful floral arrangements? Stunningly fresh flowers deserve an angelic glow beaming down on them. Cheap fluorescent lighting is an element that can minimize the natural beauty of floral arrangements on display in your supermarket. Cheap fluorescent lighting causes the colors to appear diminished and faded. When shopping for lighting, you want the quality of the light to enhance the colors of the arrangements. Flowers are naturally beautiful and healthy flowers should look bright. Do not take away from the natural beauty with lighting that will make the plants look less appealing. Instead, opt for Promolux’s quality display case lighting.

All about Promolux

Who are Promolux and what are they about? Promolux is a high quality manufacturer of specialty retail display lighting. Promolux specializes in visual satisfaction as well as product display safety. Promolux is a key pioneer in the lighting-manufacturing field. Promolux is the first company to develop an energy efficient light technology that uses both deluxe color rendering and a reduction of harmful ultraviolet radiation. When using this brand’s lighting, you will instantly see a decrease in your energy bill and an increase in color and visual appeal in the products on display.

Visual advantage of Promolux

Promolux lamps are not only high quality, but they also have an extraordinary balanced color spectrum, which will greatly enhance the bright and vivid colors of every flower in each of your displays. Promolux uses true color rendering in every light model that they create, meaning that every arrangement that rests below a Promolux display case lighting system will be elevated to its highest visual potential. Promolux limits the amount of UV radiation that impacts your flowers, meaning that your flowers will stay fresher for a longer period of time. No more quickly wilted plants and flowers when using Promolux.

Properly illuminating the floral section

Proper illumination throughout the entire floral section is equally as important as it would be in any other section of the supermarket. Shoppers need to be able to clearly see what they are buying. Also, a comfortable and inviting floral ambiance will attract both new and returning shoppers. Proper lighting in will give you floral department an inviting and fresh and atmosphere, similar to an outdoor market.

Make a huge impact during the floral season with your colorful and healthy floral arrangements. Let everyone know that your flowers are here to stay with an immaculate lighting appeal. With quality lighting from Promolux Lighting, your flowers will draw in shoppers from all around. Make the switch today to see an instant improvement!