A Guide to Shopping for Commercial Lighting for Your Supermarket

For more information on Promolux specialty retail lighting or to request a quote, click on the links to the right.

You cannot undermine the importance of perfect commercial lighting for your grocery store. As customers walk in, you want them to be dazzled by the fresh produce and vibrant fruits and vegetables you have in stock. After all, there’s nothing worse than watching your customers walk right past by the meat section without purchasing anything because the color seems to look a little off. If you have just established your business, perhaps searching for quality display case lighting is among the first things you want to sort out. Here’s what you need to consider when purchasing commercial lighting for your grocery store.

Choose lighting that works in your favor

To sell your products, you have to capture the attention of your customers. This might seem like a daunting task at first but it’s really not so difficult. Understand that visual appeal plays a significant role in luring customers but with dozens of grocery stores in your neighborhood, you need to figure out a way to make your products shine. Keep a look out for stunning and quality LED lighting that will not only enhance the color of your produce but will also define the textures of your freshly bought fruits and vegetables. Taking these measures means your goods market themselves.

Also, pay attention to lighting for showcases. If you intend on selling baked goods or meat in your supermarket, you need to incorporate topnotch bakery display lighting. Showcase lighting plays an important role in your business. Wasting your money on inferior and low priced LED lights can harm your business. Inferior LED lights initiate harmful photochemical reactions in baked goods and fresh produce. Apart from focusing on lighting for showcases, make sure you opt for the right display case for your shop.

Achieve stunning visuals through specialty retail lighting

As a supermarket owner or manager, you need to consider purchasing grocery store lighting that will enhance the colors of your goods and make them appear their best. The color and appearance of food items, such as meats, plays an important role in luring in customers. Many people rely on the visual appearance of meat to determine its freshness and quality. Keep in mind that opting for inferior lighting solutions may result in discoloration of your products.

With increased exposure to harmful radiation, the fresh meat’s blooming pinkish color slowly turns to an unappetizing brown and grey appearance. Hence, to prolong the shelf life of your grocery store products, invest in Promolux specialty retail lighting. Promolux lighting offers a range of specialized commercial lighting solutions that will prolong the life of your fresh produce and make your perishable goods look better and more appetizing.

Do not opt for inexpensive and low priced lighting solutions for your store. Inferior LED light solutions emit high levels of UV radiation that increase the surface temperature of foods. This leads to accelerated spoilage, something your business cannot afford.

The Harmful Effects of Bad Showcase Lighting on Your Business

For more information on Promolux specialty retail lighting or to request a quote, click on the links to the right.

If you run a supermarket of a grocery store, you must know the importance of the right showcase lighting. Bad display case lighting can cause surface heating, result in discoloration, oxidation of food borne pathogen growth and initiate other photochemical processes. Here’s a detailed guide to the harmful effects of bad show case lighting on your business.

Causes photochemical reactions

If you want all your perishable products, such as fresh meats and produce, to look mouthwatering and delicious, you need to boost their visual appeal. Unfortunately, many supermarket owners do harm to their own business by opting for low-priced, inferior quality lighting. The combination of oxygen and harmful ultraviolet radiation can initiate photochemical reactions in your perishable items. In baked goods, decorative icing products and other items that contain dairy ingredients are most susceptible to photochemical reactions.

This is mainly because intense exposure to inferior display lighting can cause the protein molecules in the icing to break down and degenerate. This results in a foul burnt flavor that can cause your customers to say goodbye for good just after taking one bite. These chemical reactions are most likely to occur in the present of ordinary fluorescent lighting. To counteract this catastrophe, don’t let all your hard work go to waste and invest in Promolux specialty retail lighting.

Promolux Lighting is a renowned company that provides high quality display case lighting that helps keep your items fresh and delicious. Using Promolux lighting will make your perishable products look better and it only releases minimal amount of harmful ultraviolet radiation. In addition, it uses less energy and lasts twice as long as ordinary fluorescent light bulbs. This actually helps you cut costs in the long run. Keep in mind that perishable goods which are sensitive to heat and strong lighting significantly benefit from Promolux lighting as it is the safest and most sustainable lighting solution for food displays.

Makes food items look unappetizing

If you spend hours baking cakes and pies for your baking business, the last thing you would want is for your baked goods to look unappetizing due to bad lighting. Keep in mind your customers are only going to buy what they see. If that strawberry cake you baked appears gooey and unappetizing, your customers are most likely going to head over to a different store.

Save yourself the trouble and invest in specialized bakery display case lighting. Specialty bakery lighting will enhance the natural color of your baked goods and allow them to appear in their best form. Bad lighting initiates photochemical reactions which in turn distort the color and appearance of your baked goods. Say no to bad showcase lighting and opt for Promolux.

The initial cost for Promolux is worth every penny you spend. The sustainable lights are sure to last longer than any of those low-priced options available online, helping your business boost revenue and profit.

Highlight a Shopping Experience for Your Consumers

For more information on Promolux lighting for supermarkets or to request a quote, click on the links to the right.

The goal of any supermarket is easily determined; it is, or should be, designed to attract customers and offer them an enjoyable and convenient shopping experience, resulting in increased turnover and profit.  To a certain degree, this is achievable by employing various persuasive marketing promotions and discounts. However, while they can prove successful in some circumstances, they are not ideal strategies for an ongoing growth factor and established customer satisfaction. In other words, like any other form of marketing, the advantages of shopping at your supermarket must be highlighted, such as with specialty display case lighting, or run the risk of being just another store.

The art in marketing and selling your products is not only tempting consumers into your outlet, to buy a couple of required items and then leave. You want to keep them in your store, which means retaining their attention and preventing the all too frequent shoppers’ boredom. Illumination and highlighting are two crucial aspects of gaining and retaining consumer attention; so, put on a show for your customers by using; for example, specialty lighting for showcases.

We all encounter buying temptations influenced by created lighting every day of our lives; one great example of this power is seen in nature. If lighting effects can define and enhance an entire planet, there must be a message in that for any store owner.

Designed lighting techniques are not only useful in showcasing luxury, discount or sale items or any; display light when utilized correctly can have a dramatic impact on your complete store operation.  It stimulates consumer curiosity and encourages them to explore your store further and make impulse induced purchases.

Projecting an appealing image and atmosphere within any environment is crucial; appropriate lighting can create a shopping mood that influences a customer to remain longer in your store. They enjoy browsing in the ambiance created by cleverly designed lighting, from specialists such as Promolux and at the same time, while they are busy looking and making purchases in your outlet, they are not providing profit to your competitors.

As a supermarket owner or manager, your objective must be at all times, directed towards providing customer satisfaction. This begins outside your store with advertising and promotional displays, but if it is not continued inside the store, is it not reasonable to presume a large percentage of this effort and expense is wasted? When a consumer enters your store, they will either consciously or sub-consciously become aware of the temperature, general store layout, and display case lighting. If these factors produce a comfortable and positive effect, then their expectations of an enjoyable shopping experience in your supermarket will be introduced.

Visibility is in these days of consumer awareness, an important factor and this includes ticket prices that are easy to read. It is another reason for ensuring the lighting in your store is customer-friendly. If not; then it should not be a surprise to see consumers leaving the store, faster than they entered, as at the end of the day, their perceptions dictate your bottom line.

Combat Meat Wastage in Your Supermarket by using Promolux Lighting

For more information on Promolux food safe lighting or to request a quote, click on the links to the right.

Discoloration, dehydration, and harsh effects on food safety are all issues that supermarkets face due to the levels of ultraviolet radiation in meat display lighting. High quality meat showcase lighting is fundamental to a flourishing supermarket. It is imperative for the appearance of meat to be enhanced; yet it needs to be fresh. Appearance and freshness are the key components in a customer’s decision to buy. How can supermarkets continue to grow when facing issues of wasted meat? The solution is to decrease meat wastage with Promolux specialty retail lighting for your refrigerated display cases.

Who is Promolux?

Promolux Lighting is a pioneer of the lighting production field. Promolux is the first specialty food lighting manufacturer to provide customers with lighting technology that not only enhances the visual appearance of displayed items, but also reduces the harmful effects of UV lighting. Together with Promolux, your supermarket can tackle the obstacle of meat wastage.

Promolux technology combats food wastage

LEDs and other specialty display case lighting do not emit UV radiation by nature. Therefore, many buyers of food showcase lighting often mistakenly assume that their display lighting will not discolor or degrade perishable food. However, in most cases grocers are experience the continuous harmful effects on their fresh food stock. Promolux has pioneered special technology that reduces the levels of UV radiation in the display lighting. Therefore, food items that are illuminated under Promolux lighting last up to three days longer.

Why is meat wastage caused by UV lighting an issue?

Due to other manufacturer’s failure to reduce UV rays in their lighting, many grocers experience a fading of their deli meat due to a photochemical reaction. The combination of oxygen, UV, and visible spectrum radiation triggers these photochemical reactions. After being exposed to photochemical reactions, the meat loses its succulent texture and vibrant original color. The meat goes dry and begins to fade. Promolux counteracts this effect by controlling the wavelengths of the rays. Doing so limits the amount of UV radiation that actually comes into contact with the meat. As a result, the shelf life of your perishable meat is extended.

Will the cost of Promolux lighting really compensate for the cost of meat loss?

The rule of “you get what you pay for” does apply with showcase lighting. Of course it is cheaper and easier to visit a local hardware store and purchase a regular display light to place it over your meats. Within a matter of days, however, the effects of the cheap lighting decision will be apparent. Your meats will discolor and lose their freshness at a rapid rate. With Promolux, not only will you save your meats, you will save your dollars in the long run. Spending less money replacing rancid meat along with the energy efficient technology of Promolux will keep money in your pocket. Hardware store lighting may be a quick fix, but investing in quality lighting is an incomparable solution in the long run for saving meats and money.

Many people undermine the significance of quality display lighting. End discoloration and meat wastage by putting your trust in a company that understands the challenges of fresh food display lighting and works to tackle them. Make the switch today and allow Promolux to assist you with the prosperity of your company.

Food Safety Tips for a Self-Service Buffet Area

For more information on Promolux food safe lighting or to request a quote, click on the links to the right.

Strict food hygiene regulations are in place for buffet food retailers to prevent patrons from food borne illnesses. These rules include having properly trained staff, clean premises and equipment, and most importantly, keeping food at the correct temperature. Here are some guidelines on how to keep your self-service buffet both visually appealing and free from danger.

Self-service cold buffets

Self-service cold buffets can include seafood, salads, deli meats, fresh fruit and vegetables, and desserts. These buffets in particular can be very popular in supermarkets, restaurants, weddings, and private functions. The culinary team must keep in mind that there are plenty of related food safety issues. The culinary team must be aware that the damaging radiation from the produce display lighting will raise surface temperatures of food in cold buffets, including cold display cases that are refrigerated with humidifiers and misters. The combined exposure of the fluorescent lighting from food display cases and oxygen can cause fats to spoil. Also, raised temperature environments are the perfect breeding grounds for bacteria and food borne pathogens, particularly in salads containing eggs, mayonnaise, and dairy products.

Unsafe cold buffet temperatures and faulty produce display lighting can make seafood, deli meats, desserts, and salads unsafe within two to four hours. Instead of being at risk of these dangers, consider investing in Promolux food safe lighting which will ensure the reduction of UV radiation onto your buffet goods, therefore prolonging freshness and quality.

Self-service hot buffets

Self-service hot buffets typically include pastas, cooked meats, roasted vegetables, and warm bread rolls. Ideally, hot food should be served steaming hot, in hot food displays under display case lighting, or over burners. In buffets, it is common for the warm foods to rest under display case lighting. Self-service hot buffets are also popular in restaurants, weddings, and special functions. UV lighting can be equally as dangerous for hot buffets as it is for cold buffets. An issue that faces many culinary teams that service their customers with hot buffets is the dehydration and discoloration of the food due to the amount of UV lighting exposure. The combination of oxygen, UV, and visible spectrum radiation triggers photochemical reactions. After being exposed to photochemical reactions, the hot items lose their texture, vibrant original color, and go dry. Counteract this cataclysm by using Promolux specialty display lighting for food service buffets.

Keeping food fresh at buffets

Keeping food that is fresh is paramount. The buffet should be monitored regularly and food should be brought out routinely. When bringing out fresh food to add to the buffet, it should not be combined with the leftovers from the food being replaced. Each dish should have its own serving utensil that is not to be mixed with other serving utensils.

Staying hygienic at buffets

Overall hygiene is a critical component to a healthy self-service buffet. Customers should never touch any food on display without using a serving utensil. Food should be protected from coughs and sneezes by a sneeze guard. Hands of all employees should be washed thoroughly. When the food is being prepared, there should be no cross contamination.

Self-serving buffets are delicious and exciting. They can add extra flare to a supermarket, restaurant or event but can be a disaster if no precautions are taken. Using these tips will keep your buffet clean, visually inviting, and most importantly, hygienic.

How to Increase Wine Sales in Your Supermarket

For more information on Promolux LED lighting for wine displays or to request a quote, click on the links to the right.

Mounting specialty LED display case lighting in the wine section of your supermarket can lead to increased sales. A well lit and attractively arranged wine showcase makes the section enticing hence compelling more customers to buy. The style used to display wine evokes thoughts of pleasure brought by drinking fresh quality wine. In order to increase wine sales in the supermarket, brands of most preferred wine should be visible from the inner display case and the window wine showcase. Remember that wine should be stocked in a secured section to prevent minors from accessing the alcoholic drinks. You can increase foot traffic customers for booming wine sales in the supermarket using the following strategies.

Front window wine picnic

A front window wine picnic is a unique marketing strategy that appeals to the psychology of regular customers and those walking on the street. A wine picnic showcase evokes thoughts of refreshment, romance and relaxation brought about by a glass of wine. In this case, designate a space in the front window preferably towards the extreme corner. Place a backdrop with a cool colored painting of a breathtaking natural landscape. Then, spread a table cloth and arrange a few bottles of top brand wine in the foreground. To make the picnic setting complete, add two glasses, napkins and corkscrews. If you have enough space, place a picnic basket at the extreme corner of the foreground and arrange two dishes with bright colored fruits. However, don’t overdo the fruits as you want the customers’ eyes to be caught by the wine. Use Promolux LED lighting for retail displays to make the wine picnic setting more prominent.

Mixed corks display

A display of wine in a mixture of corks can be done in the front window or inside the supermarket near the wine case. Buy a collection of varying brands of wine corks from a hobby winemaking supplier, enough to create a sea of corks. Place few bottles of the most preferred wines on the display table. Add a few classic glasses and spread the corks around the wine and glasses. Once the setting is complete, you will have bottles of wine and glasses standing in a sea of corks. Alternatively, you can use the corks to craft some wine wreathes wide enough to place several wine bottles and at least two glasses in. To make the display of wine in a sea of corks look awesome, use Promolux specialty LED display case lighting for the required brightness.

Wine platform display

A wine platform display strategy maximizes the use of visual space available in the display case reserved for wines. Remember that in the platform you will only place the best selling wine brands with a wide profit margin. It is advisable to place the wines on offer making the deal irresistible for the buyers especially during the festive seasons. Get small sized platforms, cube-shaped props and shelves with the desired height depending on the available space. Get a cool colored decorative fabric that creates the required mood and then loosely cover the props and shelves. Place a few bottles of your best selling wine brands on top and mount Promolux LED display case lighting for a breathtaking and well lit wine display.